What will it cost you?


Choose you this day who you will serve, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Joshua made a proclamation and a choice.  He was a man of honor and integrity. He led Israel so well, that for two generations after his death Israel was faithful to God.  Being faithful takes building an intimate relationship.  It takes work to build something that will last. It takes a death to self and a sacrifice. It will cost you. By making that choice, you are embarking on a life where you are a doer of the word and not just a hearer. This takes action…. on your part and mine. 

Give some thought, to how many intimate relationships you have built in the last year. Can you count them on one hand? How about with the Lord; Is he your everything? When you call on him, does he reply and say, “ here I am”. Are you dwelling in the shadow of his wings?  We should know the voice of the Lord. He states his sheep know HIS voice and will not follow after another……that being faithful.. not going after strange fire. Keeping the course and running the race. That takes obedience. My heart tells me that 2014 will be a year of keeping to the course, and deepening my relationship with my maker. I will need to forsake all the obstacles that keep me from seeking him with all my heart. He will reveal his plan for his people…….if they come to know him intimately.

These faithful one who have stepped out into missionary work will need to keep to the course, forsaking all carnality; nailing petty quarrels, jealousy, pride, gossips, and anger, to the cross in order to go forward in the field that God has opened up to you. Unity in the spirit and LOVE which never fails will keep you to the course set before you. No half-heartedness will succeed. A double-mined man is unstable in all of his ways. By answering the call you surrender your life at the foot of the cross, and share in the burden of the Lord.

Then and only then will you go forth in the power of HIS might! I am reminded of the army in the book of Joel, “none shall pull rank, but each shall walk in their place, and the Lord will lead the army. Doors will open, finances will be available, and the Kingdom work will be accomplished,  France and the Francophone countries.

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