As the YWAM Paris team prepares for their DTS(Discipleship training school). I had some thoughts I wanted to share with those of you following this blog.  Christianity is under attack worldwide. When I was growing up people of faith were respected and had rights. Today you can’t mention the name of Jesus in public without being silenced. We live in troubled times; Wars and rumors of wars and Extreme changes in the weather patterns.  Many of the scripture foretell of the days we seem to be living in. WE seem to be coming to the end of an age.

However, Jesus said to be of good cheer for he has overcome the world. Sometimes, we as children of the king forget that we were bought with a price, because we are influenced by what we see around us. However, we have a great heritage; we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ, therefore, we become a partaker in his divine nature. We have a legacy that cannot be destroyed, BECAUSE IT IS ETERNAL; Hence; the need for all to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

 What is the Gospel? Is it the salvation experience, or the words of Jesus that where written 2000 years ago? Jesus told his disciples to preach the gospel to all the ends of the world. When Jesus walked as a man, he was a living example of the word come to life. He showed love, mercy, and compassion to those he touched. He healed, delivered and set the captives free. He didn’t save anyone. Salvation belongs to God.  He was the perfect atonement for our sins through his shed blood. But, he did offer those he affected a way to life eternal through repentance and following HIM. Paul says we are to be epistles not written with pens and ink, but living examples of how the power of God has transformed lives. We don’t do the work, we live the work…….That’s what these modern day disciples of Ywam are preparing for, being lively living stones. They are setting forth on a journey to BE JESUS where ever there footsteps lead them in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Won’t you help them? They need your prayers, and your support. If you can make a financial commitment or offering, I know God will bless you. Contact the link below:   Email